Bipolar disorder can present itself as many different mental ailments. Among them are clinical depression, anxiety disorder, schizophrenia, ADD, and others. Many of these can be a secondary ailment to bipolar disorder, which is one reason why it is very beneficial to let the doctor know all the symptoms that one is experiencing.

The mood swings that bipolar disorder patients may experience, also known as “episodes,” can make this psychological disorder difficult to diagnose. The day one speaks to their doctor, the patient may have just experienced or be experiencing a depressive episode. Therefore, the feelings related to the doctor are those just experienced and the diagnosis is clinical depression. A couple weeks later, a manic episode may erupt and it is chalked up to needing more medication or ineffective dosage. In short, the episodic nature of bipolar disorder’s symptoms can be deceptive, making it difficult to diagnose.

Bipolar Depression and “Episodes”

In bipolar disorder, three types of episodes may affect the patient:

  • Depressive Episodes – A depressive episode is exactly what it implies. Feeling depressed, blue, out of sorts on different levels. Feelings of helplessness and hopelessness are also common in depressive episode.
  • Hypomanic Episodes – Hypomanic episode are feelings of extreme irritability and aggravation. Sometimes women mistake these episodes as PMS symptoms, not even realizing that they sometimes happen out of the cycle. These episodes often contain anger and include yelling, cursing and saying hurtful things.
  • Hypermanic Episodes – A hypermanic episode often comes on the heels of a depressive or hypomanic episode and feels wonderful. It is almost like a natural “high,” with feeling of euphoria, excitement and productivity. One may feel like they can conquer the world. A diagnosed bipolar person can identify this episode and learns to make the best of it.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorder

There are many various bipolar medications that we see everywhere, even on social media sites promoting their effectiveness and it may take a while to find the strength and combination that works. Medications can include antipsychotic drugs, anti-anxiety medication, and antidepressants, among others. And once the medications begin to work, a person suffering from bipolar disorder will finds him or herself in new place – a place of control.

Feeling in control of emotions is a wonderful thing, particularly for a sufferer of bipolar disorder. But depending upon the severity of the condition, the feeling of wellness may be short lived by the onset of an “episode.” Nothing can fully eliminate the possibility of experiencing bipolar episodes, but the medication, in combination with therapy, helps to put them on a more even keel with shorter terms and lesser severity.

Gaining Control Over Bipolar Disorder

Some can ride out the episode easily without too many problems whereas others lose that sense of control to the episode, trying to fight it all the way through and becoming exhausted due to the mental duress. An ability to identify an episode helps immensely when it comes to how the bipolar episode is treated. A doctor’s service may include prescription of additional medication that can be taken when experiencing an episode.

Getting an early diagnosis as soon as possible is important so patients with bipolar disorder can recover and begin living a more fulfilling life. Gaining an understanding of the illness can help one regain control, while providing a better sense of well-being.

In order to find a doctor that specializes in mental disorders, you need to have the best content references. This will help you have the best chance of an accurate diagnosis sooner, and be patient. It can take more than a year sometimes to find the medication or combination of medications that works best to treat bipolar disorder.

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