The more knowledge you have about your disorder, the easier it will be for you and your doctor to select the best bipolar disorder medication for you. In most cases, patients will have to try a variety of medications before the right one is found. More often than not, a patient will realize that a combination of drugs works best to treat his disorder.

According to the Mayo Clinic, an estimated two million Americans suffer from bipolar disorder. This serious disorder can disrupt lives and families in ways that no other disorder can. It is difficult to handle and must be treated appropriately.

Since manic depression is primarily a brain disorder, it is considered by most doctors to be a very serious problem. Those with bipolar experience mood swings which range from clinically depressed to extremely irritable and then euphoric. Between these odd swings, however, there is normal behavior.

Bipolar disorder usually begins in the early 20s and then goes on throughout a person’s life. Children, however, are being diagnosed with bipolar disorder more and more throughout their early years.

An adult or child with bipolar does not have to needlessly suffer. There are many medications available to treat this disorder.


Anticonvulsants are medications that are normally used to treat patients with seizures. However, they are increasingly being found effective as a treatment for bipolar disorder. When brain activity becomes stressed and manifests with abnormal activity, anticonvulsants can help to reverse the process.

Lithium is one such anticonvulsant. It is one of the oldest and most effective treatments of bipolar disorder. Other treatments include Valproate, Carbamazepine and Lorazepam. Depending on how one’s body reacts to each drug, one’s doctor might switch the patient to another drug to try for a period of time.


Antidepressants are another effective treatment for bipolar disorder. Most of the time, however, antidepressants, such as Cylexa, are used in conjunction with anticonvulsants to produce the desired results. Without taking an anticonvulsant, there is danger that more manic episodes may occur.


When bipolar disorder symptoms prove to be especially troublesome, an antipsychotic, such as Risperdol, may be prescribed until the patient begins to get back in touch with reality. These drugs are usually used in combination with anticonvulsants to produce the best effect possible.

All medications prescribed for bipolar disorder should be taken exactly as the doctor orders. There is often a temptation for the patient to stop taking the bipolar disorder medication once he begins to feel normal again. It is important to remember that these medications need to be taken regularly, even when the patient is feeling better.

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