Categories: Mental Health

How to Reduce Anxiety: Overcome Anxiety and Free Yourself to Succeed

Anxiety is a major barrier to success. It can stop a person from living a normal life and achieving what they were meant to achieve. Overcoming anxiety liberates a person to become what they were destined to become. Here seven simple tips for deal with this troublesome emotion.

Choose to Overcome Anxiety

Giving in to anxiety is not a choice worth living with. In order to move past it, a person must make the choice daily. Taking responsibility for emotions and knowing it is a choice.

Keep Busy to Minimize Time for Anxiety

Boredom is a friend to anxiety. To overcome this negative emotion, keep busy all day. If the feeling begins to take hold, start doing something, almost anything, to work through the feelings. It could be something as simple as doing the laundry, taking a walk in a garden or meditating quietly on things that bring joy.

Redirect Negative Feelings

When feelings of anxiety start, redirect the negative emotion toward a positive action. Stop thinking about problems and fears. Help someone in need. Take responsibility for healing.

Talking About Stress Alleviates it

Anxiety grows in isolation. Talking to people shines a light on the problem and helps to eliminate it. Schedule together time with family and friends. When anxious feelings begin go out. Head to a coffee shop or park.

Exercise Helps with Moods and Success

Exercise is a great way to stop fear and anxiety. It can be as simple as walking, yoga or Pilates or as vigorous as going for a run or taking a spin class. Whatever it is remember that the goal is to break free from anxious feelings by replacing them with good feelings.

Have an Attitude of Gratitude and Welcome Success

Yes its cliche, but the reality is that a person can’t remain anxious if they focus on the good. Start by making a list of all the good things in life. Review that list as often as necessary until the feelings of good begin to replace fear.

Turn Off the TV to Reduce Anxiety

Stations compete for viewers by sensationalizing the happenings of the day. Death, destruction, depression, these are topics that grab attention of the newscasters. Limit viewing time to one hour in the middle of the day and never when anxious feelings are present. If the TV is part of the nighttime ritual, stick to funny shows and go to bed with a smile.

When anxiety threatens to take root stop it fast. Take action and take control. If these tips don’t work, consider consulting with a qualified therapist and physician to help.

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