Former Addicts Offer Help So Others Can Overcome Their Addiction

Helplessness, sadness, and loneliness


When people battle with drug addictions, they may feel like they are alone in their struggles and accessing help may be out of reach— this often causes the feelings of helplessness, sadness, and loneliness. Fortunately, there are many other former drug addicts that were able to come out of their battles with the victory. These people have gone through the struggles and know exactly how it feels to be in that position.


Helping others


Therefore many former addicts, such as Abby Roach and Shay Dunn, have decided to share their stories and use their past experience to help others conquer addiction. Roach and Dunn went through years of addiction and time in jail before seeking recovery and becoming sober. Now, using their stories, they are spending their time going around the community being advocates for those battling addiction. “For people to see such severe cases turn their lives around, you know we can connect with these women and men that are in that situation now. We try and offer them hope and offer them resources and offer them treatment and just show them that people do get sober and people do recover.” Dunn said after being interviewed.


People like Dunn and Roach are needed in order to help those struggling with addiction; they went through the struggles and are able to relate to those struggling. In addition to the right effective treatments and interactions with former addicts, struggling addicts will be able to recover and continue their lives in sobriety.


“MARIETTA, Oh. (WTAP) – Two women in Marietta are using their dark past of addiction to help brighten the way for those currently struggling. Abby Roach and Shay Dunn were both struggling with addiction for years. They both spent time in jail before finding recovery and becoming sober.

Now, they spend time going around the community, acting as recovery advocates for those battling addiction. They even visit those arrested or in jail and offer advice for a path to recovery. “Our passion is to just bring light to recovery and show people like this girl that recovery is possible,” Roach said, “because she wants to be clean but she has no idea what to do and neither did we.”

“For people to see such severe cases turn their lives around, you know we can connect with these women and men that are in that situation now,” Dunn said. “You know and we try and offer them hope and offer them resources and offer them treatment and just show them that people do get sober and people do recover.”

Dunn and Roach created a Facebook page From Prison to Purpose. It shares their personal experiences and advice to help others conquer addiction.”

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